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網店購滿 $250 香港/澳門地區 免費送貨

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Chord Qutest 解碼器

Chord Qutest 解碼器

Allianz 延長保養服務(只適用於香港)

全店,購物滿 $250 順豐速運免費送貨(香港 / 澳門地區)

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Allianz 1 年延長保養服務(計劃 H2)
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Allianz 2 年延長保養服務(計劃 H2)
優惠價 HK$1,895.00


一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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~ 原裝香港行貨,享有香港代理 3 年保養 
※3 年保養需到 Chord 官網登記 : https://chordelectronics.co.uk/register-product/

Qutest 配備了 Chord 享負盛名的 FPGA 技術,加上 Xilinx Artix 7 解碼晶片,支援高達 32bit/768kHz、DSD512 的音樂檔案,規格極高。4 種濾波選擇主要有中性同暖調兩類音色,前者有極佳分析力,同時保持音樂順滑悅耳;後者聲音就更加飽滿豐富,音樂味更濃。機背除了 USB Type-B 之外,仲有 BNC 同軸以及光纖輸入,輸出的 RCA 就提供了 1、2、3V RMS 的輸出增益選擇,可以方便匹配返擴音機。用返 Chord 特色的顏色球來設定同顯示狀態,初上手需要一點時間熟習。
Xilinx Artix 7 解碼晶片由數位設計師 Rob Watts 一手操刀,其基本架構包括搭載 Chord 自己所設計數位音訊處理程式的 FPGA 晶片、由離散式元件堆砌而成的 Pulse Array DAC。其中 FPGA 晶片之中搭載了 Rob Watts 設計的「有限脈衝響應濾波器」(finite impulse response filter,簡稱 FIR filter),原廠將其命名為 Watts Transient Align Filter (Watts 暫態排列濾波器,簡稱 WTA)。WTA 最大的特色在於運用數位音訊中大量連續的取樣點(Rob 稱之為 tap length),精準差補每個取樣點之間的音訊,還原出聲音原有的細節與波形。這樣的設計,讓 Chord 擺脫現成 DAC 晶片的聲音印記,依照 Rob Watts 的想法,精準重現原始的類比音訊。


Qutest is our ‘pure’ DAC (it does not contain headphone amplification or rechargeable batteries like some of its range stablemates) and is designed to improve sound quality in the home. It is the latest evolution of our most affordable standalone DAC, the multi-award-winning 2Qute, which it directly replaces.

Qutest, which is a What Hi-Fi? Star of CES 2018,  is based on our award-winning proprietary FPGA technology developed for the class-leading Hugo 2 DAC/headphone amp, giving it proven class-leading technical and sonic performance. Perfectly equipped to bring the benefits our digital technology to a wide range of connected devices, it features a galvanically isolated USB-B, optical and coaxial digital input, giving an instant performance upgrade, plus the ability to modernise ageing digital source components.

The Qutest chassis is all-new, too. It has significantly greater mass than its predecessor and has been precision-machined from solid aircraft-grade aluminium billet. The Qutest PCB nestles within a shallow cavity in the solid aluminium chassis, giving the circuit board greater protection within the casework and additional isolation from external vibration compared to previous designs.

Qutest offers Hugo 2’s proprietary user-selectable frequency-shaping filters and input selection controls, available via two fascia-mounted spheres, introducing useful flexibility. It also features RCA analogue outputs for connection to integrated amplifiers, preamps and headphone amps, plus high-resolution dual-data digital inputs for connection to future Chord Electronics products.

A further new feature is a user-selectable output voltage available in 1, 2 and 3V RMS outputs for flexible connectivity with a wide range of partnering devices.

Materials: Precision machined aluminium casing with polycarbonate  buttons and glass viewing portal. Available only in Jett Black.

Device power supply: 5v 2amp Micro USB

Tap length filter: 49,152 – 10 element Pulse Array design

Connectivity (input): USB Type B (White): 44.1kHz to 768kHz – 16bit to 32bit

2x BNC Coax (Red): 44.1kHz – 384kHz – 16bit to 32bit

1x Dual data mode input (using both BNC coax inputs together): 44.1kHz to 768kHz – 16bit to 32bit

Optical (Green): 44.1kHz to 96kHz – 16bit to 24bit

Connectivity (output): 1x stereo pair of RCA (Left and Right)

PCM support: 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, 192kHz, 352.8kHz, 384kHz, 717.6kHz, and 768kHz. 16 – 32bit

DSD support: Native playback supported. DSD64 (Single) to DSD512 (Octa-DSD)

Variable output: Fixed, but selectable between 3v (blue), 2v (green), and 1v (red) via dual press of ‘Filter’ + ‘Input’ upon startup

Driver support: Driverless with Mac OS X and Linux, driver required for Windows OS

Digital designer: Rob Watts

Mechanical designer: John Franks

Country of manufacture: England


Chipset: Chord Electronics custom coded Xilinx Artix 7 (XC7A15T) FPGA

Tap-length: 49,152

Pulse array: 10 element pulse array design

Frequency response: 20Hz – 20kHz +/- 0.2dB

Output stage: Class A

THD: <0.0001% 1kHz 3v RMS 300Ω

THD and noise at 3v RMS: 117dB at 1kHz 300ohms ‘A’ weighted (reference 2.5v)

Noise 2.6 uV ‘A’ weighted: No measurable noise floor modulation

Channel separation: 138dB at 1kHz 300Ω

Weight: 770g

Dimensions: 4.5cm (H) 16cm (W) 8.8cm (D)

Boxed Weight: 1500g



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  • 順豐速運 - 辦公室 / 住宅地址直送(澳門)
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  • 聯邦快遞 - 台灣(FedEx International Priority®)


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  • 信用卡(澳門付款專用)
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  • 支付寶(中國)|Alipay(China)
  • 微信支付|WeChat Pay
  • 轉數快|FPS
  • 八達通|Octopus
  • Payme
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  • 滙豐信用卡免息分期
  • 渣打信用卡免息分期
  • AE 信用卡免息分期
  • XPay(先買後付 免息分 3 期)- 新用戶首次消費滿 HK$300 即減 HK$80|HK$500 即減 HK$100
  • 合拼付款(支援多種不同付款方式)