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網店購滿 $250 香港/澳門地區 免費送貨

XPay(先買後付 免息分 3 期)- 新用戶首次消費滿 HK$300 即減 HK$80|HK$500 即減 HK$100

Let’s Go Audio 聯乘 X Pay 為你帶嚟靚聲優惠 - 喺 X Pay 輸入「XPAYLGA25」兌換限時優惠券,滿 HK$500 即減 HK$120!

網店購滿 $250 香港/澳門地區 免費送貨

XPay(先買後付 免息分 3 期)- 新用戶首次消費滿 HK$300 即減 HK$80|HK$500 即減 HK$100

Let’s Go Audio 聯乘 X Pay 為你帶嚟靚聲優惠 - 喺 X Pay 輸入「XPAYLGA25」兌換限時優惠券,滿 HK$500 即減 HK$120!

網店購滿 $250 香港/澳門地區 免費送貨

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EarFun UA100 便攜解碼耳擴

EarFun UA100 便攜解碼耳擴

Allianz 延長保養服務(只適用於香港)

全店,購物滿 $250 順豐速運免費送貨(香港 / 澳門地區)

{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量

以優惠價加購商品 (最多 {{ addItemQuantity }} 件)

Allianz 1 年延長保養服務(計劃 A2)
優惠價 HK$138.00

Allianz 2 年延長保養服務(計劃 A2)
優惠價 HK$235.00


一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件

~ 原裝香港行貨,享有香港代理 1 年保養 ~

DAC 晶片採用 ESS 的「ES9038Q2M」。清晰的聲音透過高精度解碼實現的。擴大機晶片配備了兩顆 RT6863,其最大輸出為 195mW,具有優異的雜訊特性。電源部分還採用了精心挑選的低壓差穩壓晶片,以抑制背景雜訊。

支援的音訊格式高達 PCM 768kHz/32-bit 和 DSD 512 (2.4MHz)。它可以連接到個人電腦或智慧型手機並用於高解析度串流媒體服務。有兩個耳機插孔:4.4mm 平衡式和 3.5mm 單端式。此外,它還配備了USB-C 端子,可與 iPhone 15 系列、Android 和 Nintendo Switch 一起使用。

Small & Versatile
Crafted with precision from a single block of aluminum and finished with a smooth matte texture, the EarFun UA100 boasts unparalleled durability and a simplistic design. Weighing in at a mere 10.6g, it's the ultimate travel companion for those who demand nothing but the best.

Advanced Hi-Fi DAC
The EarFun UA100 features the ES9038Q2M SABER DAC chip, which is equipped with patented clock jitter suppression tech, high dynamic range output, and support for up to 32bit/768kHz PCM and DSD512 decoding with minimal distortion.

Dedicated Headphone Amplifier
For optimal performance, a suitable amplifier is required to accompany an excellent DAC. To achieve this, we integrated a balanced headphone amplifier circuit into the UA100. This results in a higher output power and cleaner sound quality. Moreover, we utilized two units of Ricore RT6863, specifically designed for ESS DACs, to ensure maximum compatibility.

Pick your Output
UA100 can be used with standard 3.5mm headphones and boasts the industry-standard 4.4mm balanced jack that audiophiles love.

Smartphone Power Efficient Partner
Thanks to our newest USB DAC power management technology, UA100 now requires significantly less power from smartphones, resulting in greater compatibility and longer battery life.

Ultra-Low Noise Output
Designed with an advanced low-dropout voltage regulator, for an extremely black background with zero unwanted noise, so crucial for a proper high-fidelity sound.

Interchangeable cables for all setups
Switching between USB cables and devices has never been easier with the versatile USB-C connector. Connect your phone with a short USB-C cable, use a standard USB cable for your desktop computer, and even connect your iOS devices with a lightning cable. Stay connected in any situation.

Hi-Fi Sound for Gamers
U100 was developed with a special mode, that allows it to work with portable gaming consoles. Enjoy your games with better sound quality and more power for your headphones.

Zero latency USB Connection
Thanks to the USB connection, UA100 can seamlessly work with any smartphone and all its apps, ensuring zero audio sync issues while enjoying movies and lightning-fast response times during gaming sessions.

PCM support up to 32bits/768kHz|DSD support up to DSD512

3.5mm 單端:2V, 32Ω(125mW) 
4.4mm 平衡:2.5V, 32Ω195mW)

3.5mm 單端:20 ~ 40kHz / -0.5dB 
4.4mm 平衡:20 ~ 40kHz / -0.5dB

總諧波失真 THD+N
3.5mm 單端:<0.0008%
4.4mm 平衡:<0.0008%

3.5mm 單端:121dB(A-Weighting)
4.4mm 平衡:117dB(A-Weighting)

3.5mm 單端:71dB
4.4mm 平衡:109dB

3.5mm 單端:16Ω ~ 300Ω
4.4mm 平衡:16Ω ~ 300Ω


50 x 18 x 10 mm


  • 門市取貨
  • 順豐速運 - 辦公室 / 住宅地址直送(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 順豐站(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 順豐營業點(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 順便智能櫃(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 7-11 便利店(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - OK 便利店(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 辦公室 / 住宅地址直送(澳門)
  • 順豐速運 - 順豐服務點(澳門)
  • 順豐速運 - 中國內地(運費到付)
  • 順豐國際 - 台灣(運費到付|不支援寄送有『磁石』、『電池』或『藍牙裝置』產品)
  • 順豐國際 - 新加坡(運費到付|不支援寄送有『磁石』、『電池』或『藍牙裝置』產品)
  • 聯邦快遞 - 台灣(FedEx International Priority®)


  • 信用卡 (Visa / MasterCard / UnionPay / Diners Club)
  • 信用卡(澳門付款專用)
  • Apple Pay(Visa / MasterCard / AMEX)
  • 支付寶(香港)|Alipay(HK)
  • 支付寶(中國)|Alipay(China)
  • 微信支付|WeChat Pay
  • 轉數快|FPS
  • 八達通|Octopus
  • Payme
  • 恆生信用卡免息分期
  • 滙豐信用卡免息分期
  • 渣打信用卡免息分期
  • AE 信用卡免息分期
  • XPay(先買後付 免息分 3 期)- 新用戶首次消費滿 HK$300 即減 HK$80|HK$500 即減 HK$100
  • 合拼付款(支援多種不同付款方式)