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網店購滿 $250 香港/澳門地區 免費送貨

XPay(先買後付 免息分 3 期)- 新用戶首次消費滿 HK$300 即減 HK$80|HK$500 即減 HK$100

Let’s Go Audio 聯乘 X Pay 為你帶嚟靚聲優惠 - 喺 X Pay 輸入「XPAYLGA25」兌換限時優惠券,滿 HK$500 即減 HK$120!

網店購滿 $250 香港/澳門地區 免費送貨

XPay(先買後付 免息分 3 期)- 新用戶首次消費滿 HK$300 即減 HK$80|HK$500 即減 HK$100

Let’s Go Audio 聯乘 X Pay 為你帶嚟靚聲優惠 - 喺 X Pay 輸入「XPAYLGA25」兌換限時優惠券,滿 HK$500 即減 HK$120!

網店購滿 $250 香港/澳門地區 免費送貨

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Shure AONIC 50 Gen 2 無線降噪耳機

Shure AONIC 50 Gen 2 無線降噪耳機


Allianz 延長保養服務(只適用於香港)

全店,購物滿 $250 順豐速運免費送貨(香港 / 澳門地區)

{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量

以優惠價加購商品 (最多 {{ addItemQuantity }} 件)

Allianz 1 年延長保養服務(計劃 C2)
優惠價 HK$310.00

Allianz 2 年延長保養服務(計劃 C2)
優惠價 HK$590.00


一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件

~ 原裝香港行貨,享有香港代理 2 年保養 ~

AONIC 50 Gen 2 仍搭載 50mm 動圈單元,收音麥克風採用 6 麥克風,藉由更新到高通新一代藍牙平台,不僅使通訊距離自 10 公尺延展到 100 公尺,並可廣泛支援 SBC、AAC、LDAC、aptX、aptX HD、aptX Adaptive 等編碼,同時也為高通 Snapdragon Sound 認證裝置,並在語音通話支援 aptX Voice 清晰通話。此外新一代平台具備更強大的運算能力,使得 AONIC 50 Gen 2 在使用高音質編碼與開啟降噪時也終於能開啟 EQ 。

另外新藍牙平台也為 AONIC 50 Gen 2 帶來新功能,包括空間音訊技術,以及稱為 MaxAware 的先進環境音功能,與一般環境音功能的是 MaxAware 結合降噪與環境音捕捉功能,可保留外界人聲的同時抑制環境噪音,可在保持與外界溝通的同時降低外部噪音的干擾與不適。同時 AONIC 50 Gen 2 受益於新藍牙平台,續航力號稱比上一代提升一倍,可達到 45 小時電力,以及充電 15 分鐘使用 5 小時的快充功能。


Premium, studio-quality sound
Through custom-engineered 50mm dynamic drivers. Developed from decades of professional experience made for critical listeners.

Spatialized Audio technology
Uses a proprietary algorithm to enhance the depth of your listening experience by widening the sound stage without introducing unnatural artifacts. Available in Music, Cinema, or Podcast mode.

New Hybrid Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) technology
Blocks out distractions for a truly immersive and natural listening experience improved over the prior generation.

Environment mode
Allows you to hear the outside world with the flip of a switch.

Up to 45 hours battery life with quick charge capabilities
Fifteen minutes of charge provides 5 hours of use.

Customizable EQ
Choose from multiple presets, or create your own using the free ShurePlus™ PLAY app. Saves directly to your headphones for a seamless audio experience across other apps and devices.

Long-wearing comfort and durability
In a patented design built to last. Folds flat in a redesigned, compact carrying case.

Premium communication with clear call quality
Utilizing 6 microphones, the precision-engineered system automatically adjusts settings to avoid surrounding noise, offering exceptional quality for video and phone calls.

Bluetooth® 5 wireless technology
With a class 1 transmitter delivers enhanced stability with a range of up to 100 meters (320 feet). Pairs to phones, tablets and laptops.

Premium headphone amplifiere
And support for multiple codecs including Qualcomm® aptX™, aptX™ HD, aptX™ Adaptive, AAC, SBC and Sony LDAC. Featuring Snapdragon Sound™ technology.

High-Resolution USB Streaming up to 32-bit/384 kHz
For an unmatched wired listening experience. Connect to wired sources with included 3.5mm analog audio cable or USB-C digital input for charging and High-Resolution streaming audio.

ShurePlus™ PLAY appe
Allows you to customize your preferences and control parametric EQ, noise cancellation, Spatializer and Environment Mode settings. Free to download for iOS and Android.

50mm 動圈單元

20 - 22000 Hz


Bluetooth 5.0

約 45 小時

充電約 15 分鐘可使用約 5 小時

6 個

約 0.75 lbs.


  • 門市取貨
  • 順豐速運 - 辦公室 / 住宅地址直送(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 順豐站(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 順豐營業點(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 順便智能櫃(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 7-11 便利店(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - OK 便利店(香港)
  • 順豐速運 - 辦公室 / 住宅地址直送(澳門)
  • 順豐速運 - 順豐服務點(澳門)
  • 順豐速運 - 中國內地(運費到付)
  • 聯邦快遞 - 台灣(FedEx International Priority®)


  • 信用卡 (Visa / MasterCard / UnionPay / Diners Club)
  • 信用卡(澳門付款專用)
  • Apple Pay(Visa / MasterCard / AMEX)
  • 支付寶(香港)|Alipay(HK)
  • 支付寶(中國)|Alipay(China)
  • 微信支付|WeChat Pay
  • 轉數快|FPS
  • 八達通|Octopus
  • Payme
  • 恆生信用卡免息分期
  • 滙豐信用卡免息分期
  • 渣打信用卡免息分期
  • AE 信用卡免息分期
  • XPay(先買後付 免息分 3 期)- 新用戶首次消費滿 HK$300 即減 HK$80|HK$500 即減 HK$100
  • 合拼付款(支援多種不同付款方式)